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An Allergic Reaction On The Moon

The Lasting Impact of Moon Dust: The Story of Harrison Schmitt

An Allergic Reaction on the Moon

Harrison Schmitt, the last man to walk on the Moon, experienced an unexpected allergic reaction to Moon dust during his mission. This unfortunate encounter highlights the potential hazards that astronauts face when exploring extraterrestrial environments.

Schmitt's Allergies and Determination

Despite his allergies, Schmitt's determination as a geologist drove him to collect an unprecedented number of rock samples during the Apollo 17 mission. His background in geology proved invaluable, as he played a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the Moon's composition and history.

Long-Term Consequences

Schmitt's allergies did not appear to have any long-term health consequences. At 87 years old, he remains the last living person to have walked on the Moon. His experience serves as a reminder of the importance of preparing for unforeseen challenges in space exploration.
